Friday, 6 December 2013

Visible Conventions of an Action/Thriller Trailer

Action/Thriller trailers are all very similar in the way that they portray their story and the method of editing used to keep the audience enticed. It usually starts out by showing the main character of the film who is usually the biggest star and is likely to be a big cause for people going to see the film.

Fans of Shia LeBeouf would instantly be attracted the the Eagle Eye trailer as he is in the very first shot of the trailer.

The "End of Watch" trailer would catch the eye of Jake Gyllenhaal fans

and Mark Wahlberg fans would be enticed to watch the trailer for "Contraband".


Eagle Eye

Some trailers try to portray the action in the way that they pace the editing. For example, "Eagle Eye" starts out quite slow (Picture 1) but builds up in the middle (Picture 2), to a faster paced scene. It then rapidly declines again to a slower pace. (Picture 3)

 Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Here is a chart of the change in pace within the trailer;

End of Watch

End of Watch starts out with an introduction to the main characters. The style of the film is half cinematic and half self-documented from the perspective of the characters. Therefore the opening scene is the characters talking to a video camera, introducing themselves. (Picture 1) It then picks up, informing the viewers of previous films that the writer has created, therefore if they are true fans of the genre and have seen these films, they are very likely to enjoy the one being advertised. We then get a real idea of the characters as we see them in police uniform and being briefed with other officers, as well as loading gun equipment, all in one montage (Picture 2). The pace then begins to pick up as the plot of the film begins to unravel as they find a load of gold plated weapons in a vehicle after being shot at. The up-beat music starts and the pace increases.(Picture 3) The pace is constantly growing throughout the trailer and the intensity keeps building up with the use of music and sound effects. The very last scene is the most intense as it leaves on a cliff hanger and the viewer is left unaware of what is going to happen. (Video 1)

Picture 1 

Picture 2

Picture 3

Video 1

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