Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Target Audience

After doing thorough research into target audiences and the series of different stereotypes of todays youth, It is apparent hat although some heavily rely on magazines, music, internet etc in order to stay entertained but none of these groups are reliant on cinema.

The target audiences for action films or films in general, are very different to the target audience of music genres.  You can usually associate a person with a specific stereotype by knowing what music they listen to, i.e. Fans of Metal are likely to be very Gothic and have a dark fashion sense, where as a fan of chart music is likely to be a trend follower and have a liking mainstream pop culture. But when it comes to films, it is very difficult to stereotype it’s audience and if so, it is very generalised, such as girls liking Romantic Comedies and boys liking Action Films. That appears to be as narrow as it can get due to the widespread variety of personalities and genres.

I asked a few peers why they thought this was the case and a couple of their responses were;

“People use music as an expression, and to communicate and interact with people of the same personality as them, whereas film doesn't have that same level of connectivity with it’s audience.”

“People go to see a film usually because of the person who is starring in it, or because of the person who has directed it, it’s less of an expression and more of a following, unlike music. Like, being a fan of Judd Appatow doesn't come with its own sense of fashion or physical appearance.” 

Below are some Audience Interviews for different genre's of film, and you can see the difference in appearance and age of the interviewee's, who give their feedback on the same films.

Below is a video I have put together, interviewing a few friends who agreed that action/thriller is their favourite genre of film. I asked them questions such as their favourite action/thriller film, their favourite actors who star in this specific genre and specifically why action/thriller films take their liking.

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