John McTiernan is best known for creating the modern action. He has created films that are listed under the "Modern Great" genre, such as the "Die Hard" franchise, "The Hunt for Red October", and "Predator". He has worked with big action stars such as;
Piers Brosnan, Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
He is most known for the way he creates a tense atmosphere throughout his films and in the way he portrays his story lines. Die Hard has been said to not only be a Box Office Smash but a genuine game-changer for the landscape of cinema.
John Mctiernan's creations have been known to have an influence on a massive number of big hollywood films in the recent years, including; "Air Force One" with Harrison Ford, "Mission Impossible" and even modern films such as "White House Down" which was released in 2013.
John Mctiernan's creations have been known to have an influence on a massive number of big hollywood films in the recent years, including; "Air Force One" with Harrison Ford, "Mission Impossible" and even modern films such as "White House Down" which was released in 2013.
The way in which McTiernan changed the action scene was by altering the face of it. Before "Die Hard, action films were associated with large, supernatural stars such as Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jean Claude Van Damme. But enter Bruce Willis, who plays a normal, everyday police officer visiting his wife and ends up taking on a group of terrorists, single handedly. This was the beginning of underdog victory films and changed the action genre dramatically.